sexta-feira, 4 de junho de 2010

Let's study English in 2010,let's play,let's speak,let's sing,write,read, .........

O idioma Inglês há muito tempo faz parte da vida das pessoas por ser uma lingua internacional e da maior importância, tanto para o lazer quanto no campo profissional..
Hoje em dia o mundo se comunica através deste idioma. Um bom exemplo disto é a Internet, ferramenta utilizada com freqüência cada vez maior pelas pessoas e pelas empresas . Agregando a tecnologia da Internet ao conhecimento do Inglês, torna-se possível a realização das mais importantes transações efetuadas atualmente, como o e-commerce, e o e-business, onde torna-se possível realizar transações com o mundo inteiro sem que seja necessário sair da nossa cidade ou até mesmo da nossa cadeira de trabalho.
A cada dia que passa, fica mais clara a importância do Inglês em nossas vidas , e é fácil concluir que, sem o conhecimento dele, a comunicação com o resto mundo, fica praticamente impossível . E, se você pretende crescer no concorrido mundo dos negócios, deve ter em mente que é essencial investir em você, e o estudo do Inglês apresenta-se como um importante investimento que traz grandes resultados a curto prazo e custo baixo..
Muitas pessoas se perguntam: "Por que e pra quê estudar Inglês se sou brasileiro, trabalho e vivo no Brasil e os meus negócios não exigem que eu saiba Inglês?" A resposta é simples : no mundo globalizado em que vivemos quem não se preparar devidamente irá perder oportunidades incríveis dentro do mundo dos negócios. Comece a estudar desde agora, com interesse, com vontade, mude a sua rotina com algo que poderá lhe ser útil num futuro bem próximo. Incentive seus amigos, filhos e parentes e enfrente o mundo dos negócios sem receio da comunicação oral e escrita .

  • What do you think about it......write...You can!!!!!!!!

Let's sing again...Black Eyed Peas - I Gotta a feeling

  • Tell us what do you think about this song...which are your favourite songs,singers, music groups... hugs

Watching movies is a good way to learn English..... let's remember the movie we saw... Dwayne Johnson - The Game Plan 10/10.

  • Talk about this movie,the
best part...what did you learn...if did you like the end...

You are a very special student....!!!!

Garfield and Friends - Box O' Fun

Hello!!! I'm Garfield,the cat. I live in a beautiful house... I just love sleeping!!! I like eating and after sleeping,too.

  • Now you tell me...I want to know about you....kssssssssss
You can give a look at K'naan's song above,too.He is talking about his life,singing...The song is People like me.See you!!!!!

Once Upon a time project Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs part 1

  • Write a little about your favourite fairy tale....if you were a character,who would you be...
I want to see nice plays in our project ,too!!!!!Let's go!!!!

quarta-feira, 2 de junho de 2010

People Like Me excerpt by K'naan

K'naan is singing about his life,pay attention!!!This guy sings Waving Flag,the official song of
the World Cup 2010...

Join us at this project,too.World Cup 2010,let's go Brazil!!!

  • Could you create a small song talking about your life too....try!!!!!

somalians caught up in alberta turf wars knaan speaks - CrazyMotion!heir

somalians caught up in alberta turf wars knaan speaks - CrazyMotion!

Here you can watch a small documentary about K'nan's interview on tv .His is talking about his life and somalian people.Their problems...isn't it difficult to understand....too much money spent at the World Cup and so many people hungry.....

  • If you could,what would you do to help this people......

fifa world cup 2010 south africa preview hd - CrazyMotion!

fifa world cup 2010 south africa preview hd - CrazyMotion!

Take a look at our question in the end of the blog about the World Cup 2010......

  • Who is going to win....Do you like soccer...write about it....

Wavin' Flag by Young Artists for Haiti ♥ with lyrics.

Take a better look at this song...

  • What's the meaning of WAVING ...FLAG
  • Why was this song chosen to be the official song of the South Africa World Cup..

Young Artists For Haiti - Wavin' Flag

  • This is another video of the song Waving Flag..add here the video you like more...bye!!!!

My dream apartament

There are five rooms in my dream apartment. There are two bedrooms. There is a big bed in each bedroom. There is also a kitchen and a living room. In the kitchen there is a round table and a fridge. In the living room there is a widescreen TV and two comfortable sofas. There are very big windows in all the rooms and there is a terrace outside. On the terrace there is a swimming pool. There aren’t any trees but there are some beautiful plants on the terrace. And there is also one other important room – the bathroom with a bathtub and a shower .

(source-Power English Books)
  • Now,tell us...what does your apartament or house like...hugs everybody...

Artist model

It was Friday afternoon and I was sitting in Cassandra's with my friends. They were laughing and talking about their weekend plans. But I wasn't feeling happy. There was a boy on the other side of the room and he was staring at me. I couldn't concentrate on what my friends were saying and I was getting really angry. Suddenly, I couldn't stand it anymore. I stood up and walked over to the boy. When I got closer, I saw that there were a lot of colored pencils on his table and an open notebook with a drawing of me. The boy looked up, smiled and...

  • What do you think......what did happen....write about it.

(source-Power English Books)